Annotate your data for YOLO and UNet2D

  • The goal of this widget is to help you annotate your data for both the YOLO and the UNet models.

The YOLO architecture:
  • YOLO is a deep learning model that can detect objects.

  • Detections are composed of bounding-boxes around objects.

  • Each bounding-box will be given a class (amoeboid, intermediate, homeostatic or garbage).

The UNet architecture:
  • UNet is a deep learning model that can segment images.

  • The output of the model is a probability map that must be thresholded to create a mask.

  • In our case, it is optimized to create shapes that are suitable for skeletonization.

  • To train the models, you need to provide a dataset of annotated images.

  • Annotations are either hand-drawn masks for the UNet or bounding-boxes for the YOLO.

  • The widget “Annotations helper” will help you to create this dataset.

_images/input-01.png _images/segmented-01.png _images/classified-01.png

Raw image

Mask as produced by the UNet

Bounding-boxes as produced by YOLO

1. Prepare your data

  • First of all, the data that you will annotate must be correctly formatted.

  • Your images must all be the same size in pixels.

  • You can use TIF, PNG, JPG, … but no proprietary format (CZI, LIF, …).

  • You can use the “Tiles creator” widget to create patches from your images. A common size is 512x512 pixels.

  • All the images that you want to annotate must be in the same folder.

  • Before you start, you should have a folder structure like this:

📁 some-folder
├── 📁 my-experiment
│   ├── 14-25-23.336.tif
│   ├── 14-25-23.379.tif
│   ├── ...
│   └── 14-25-36.949.tif

2. Initialize the widget

  • Open the widget located in: Plugins > Microglia Analyzer > Annotations helper.

  • Click the Root folder button and choose the folder named “some-folder” in the previous example. It is the parent folder of the folder containing your images.

  • In the Inputs sub-folder dropdown menu, choose the folder containing your images (named “my-experiment” in the previous example).

  • The first image of your experiment will be displayed.

  • You can navigate through the images using the dropdown menu in the “Annotations management” section.

  • You can adjust the brightness and contrast of the image in the upper-left corner of Napari.

3. Create your classes

  • The first thing to do is to create new classes. Each one corresponds to a different type of object that you want to detect.

  • Simply fill the text field in the “Classes management” section and click the New class button.

  • A new layer should have appeared in the left column of Napari, named “”, with “xxx” being the name of your class.

  • You can add as many classes as you want.

4. Annotate your data for YOLO

  • To annotate an object, you have to draw a bounding-box around it. You must limit yourself to rectangles. Do not use ellipses or polygons or anything else.

  • Choose the class for which you want to create annotations for by clicking on its corresponding layer in the left column of Napari.

  • You can choose the rectangle tool in the upper-left section of the Napari’s window.

  • Your boxes should contain the whole object and a few pixels around it.

  • It is not a problem if the boxes overlap.

  • If you failed a box, don’t edit it: delete it and draw a new one.

  • If you don’t plan to annotate many images, you should really be careful not to forget any object on your images.

  • When you are happy with the annotations you made, click the Save annotations button in the “Annotations management” section.

  • In the “Classes management” section, a table should have appeared to show you global statistics about your annotations.

  • At the exception of your garbage class (if you have one), you should try to keep the number of annotations for each class balanced.

  • A new folder with the “-labels” suffix should have appeared in the root folder. It contains the annotations you made as TXT files.

  • A new file with the “-classes.txt” suffix should have appeared in the root folder. It contains the classes you created.

  • Your files architecture should now look like this:

📁 some-folder
├── 📁 my-experiment
│   ├── 14-25-23.336.tif
│   ├── 14-25-23.379.tif
│   ├── ...
│   └── 14-25-36.949.tif
├── 📁 my-experiment-labels
│   ├── 14-25-23.336.txt
│   ├── 14-25-23.379.txt
│   ├── ...
│   └── 14-25-36.949.txt
├── 📃 my-experiment-classes.txt

5. Annotate your data for UNet

  • To annotate objects for UNet, you have to create complete masks of each object.

  • For that, click on the Add mask button in the “Masks” section.

  • You just have to add it once, and it will automatically be added for all images.

  • Use the brush and the eraser tools in the upper-left section of the Napari’s window to draw and erase your masks.

  • Once you are done, click the Save masks button in the “Masks” section.

  • The skeleton of your mask should appear, make sure that it is correct and doesn’t contain extra branches or holes. Otherwise, it is what your model will learn.

  • Your files architecture should now look like this:

📁 some-folder
├── 📁 my-experiment
│   ├── 14-25-23.336.tif
│   ├── 14-25-23.379.tif
│   ├── ...
│   └── 14-25-36.949.tif
├── 📁 my-experiment-labels
│   ├── 14-25-23.336.txt
│   ├── 14-25-23.379.txt
│   ├── ...
│   └── 14-25-36.949.txt
├── 📁 my-experiment-masks
│   ├── 14-25-23.336.tif
│   ├── 14-25-23.379.tif
│   ├── ...
│   └── 14-25-36.949.tif
├── 📃 my-experiment-classes.txt


  • If you are working on RGB images, they will be converted to grayscale.

  • If you already annotated some images, your annotations will be loaded when you open the widget.

  • In the “.txt” files generated for each image by the widget, the content is as follows:
    • [integer]: the class index (starting from 0).

    • [float]: the x-coordinate of the center of the bounding-box, in percentage of the image width.

    • [float]: the y-coordinate of the center of the bounding-box, in percentage of the image height.

    • [float]: the width of the bounding-box, in percentage of the image width.

    • [float]: the height of the bounding-box, in percentage of the image height.