Measures on microglia

  • To provide some measurements, microglia as interpreted as graphs.

  • The length are in physical unit if you didn’t forget to calibrate your images.

  • The final CSV contains the following data:




Name of the image from which the following microglia were extracted.

# branches

Total number of branches in the given cell.

# leaves

Total number of leaves (== end point vertices) for this cell.

# juctions

Number of branches crossing in this cell (all vertices except leaves)

Average branch length

Average length of a branch for the given cell.

Total length

Summed length of all the branches contained within this cell.

Max branch length

Length of the longest branch for this cell.


Only useful for debuging. Index of the segmented microglia on the mask.


Class (Amoeboid, Intermediate or Homeostatic) attributed to this cell

  • Here is an example file as it is produced by the plugin: you can download it from this link.

  • Values are sepaarted with tabulations.