
Part 1 - Programming Basics

In the first part you will learn the basics of programming.


  1. Getting started: “Hello World” and recording macros
    1. Hello World version 1
    2. Hello World version 2
    3. Hello World version 3
    4. Recording macros
  2. Numbers
    1. Literals and special values
    2. Calculations
    3. Comparing floats
  3. Strings
    1. Concatenation 1
    2. Concatenation 2
    3. Concatenation 3
    4. Regular Expressions
  4. Booleans
    1. Boolean Expressions
    2. Conway’s Game of Life
  5. Variables
    1. Assignment
    2. Copy by value
    3. Pre- and Postincrement
  6. Arrays
    1. Creating Arrays and accessing elements
    2. Copy by reference
    3. Concatenation
  7. Conditionals
    1. Conditionals 1 - even/odd
    2. Conditionals 2 - max
  8. For-Loop
    1. For loop 1 - iteration
    2. For loop 2 - iteration and arrays
    3. For loop 3 - iteration and images
    4. For loop 4 - iteration and animation
  9. While-Loop
    1. While loop 1 - Newton’s method
    2. While loop 2 - random walk
  10. Do-While-Loop
    1. Do while loop
  11. Functions
    1. Functions - factorial
    2. Functions - turtle graphics
    3. Functions - recursive functions
    4. Functions - recursive curves
  12. Macros
    1. Macros as plugins
    2. Macro sets