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Exercise 02.03 - Numbers - Floating point numbers


  1. Calculate the value of 0.3 minus 0.2 minus 0.1. What is the result?

  2. Use the comparison operator (==) to compare the result to 0. Note that you need to put brackets around the whole expression. Does the comparison give true (1) or false (0).

  3. Write a comparison that checks if the result is reasonably close to zero (the difference should be smaller than one millionth).


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The code below is for automatically checking the result. Please ignore it!

res = split(getInfo("log"));
if (res.length<3) {
	showMessage("Your result is wrong! Please check your macro and try again!");
if (res[0]<0 && !res[1] && res[2]) 
	showMessage("That's right. Great, you did it!");
	showMessage("Your result is wrong! Please check your macro and try again!");

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