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Exercise 09.02 - while-loop


The while loop below will draw the trace of a randomly moving agent (a random walk) onto the image. Provide the condition for the while-loop, so that the random-walk stops when it reaches the border of the image

newImage("random-walk", "8-bit", 800, 800, 1);		// Create a new image of size 800x800 pixel
x = 400;											// Set the starting point to 400, 400
y = 400;			
makeOval(x,y,20,20);								// Draw a circle around the starting point
moveTo(x,y);										// Set the current drawing position to the starting point
Roi.setFillColor("green");							// Fill the circle with the color green

Your code starts after this line

while(                            ) {				// while the random walk is within the image

Your code ends before this line

	x = x + 10 * round((2 * random) -1);			// increment or decrement x randomly by 10
	y = y + 10 * round((2 * random) -1);			// increment or decrement y randomly by 10
	Roi.move(x, y);									// Move the circle to the new position
	lineTo(x,y);									// draw a line from the current drawing position to the new position
	wait(10);										// wait 10 milliseconds so that we can see the circle move

The code below is for automatically checking the result. Please ignore it!

ok = (x<1 || x>=799 || y<1 || y>=799);
if (ok)
	showMessage("That's right. Great, you did it!");
	showMessage("Your result is wrong! Please check your macro and try again!");

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