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Exercise 11.02 - user defined functions


Turtle graphics consist of a turtle that is placed on an image and that understands the commands

Complete the function right below then use the commands to draw a rectangle.

Note: a -= 10 is a short way to write a = a - 10. It works the same way for +=.

var _X = 0;
var _Y = 0;
var _ANGLE = 0;
var _RADIUS = 20;
var _DELAY = 400;

newImage("turle graphics", "8-bit white", 1600, 1200, 1);


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function initializeTurtle() {
	_X = getWidth() / 2;
	_Y = getHeight() / 2;
	moveTo(_X, _Y);
	makeOval(_X - (_RADIUS / 2), _Y - (_RADIUS / 2), _RADIUS, _RADIUS);

function forward(step) {
	_X += step * cos(_ANGLE * PI / 180);
	_Y += step * sin(_ANGLE * PI / 180);
	lineTo(_X, _Y);
	Roi.move(_X - (_RADIUS / 2), _Y - (_RADIUS / 2));

function right(delta) {

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function left(delta) {
	_ANGLE -= delta % 360;

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