import numpy as np
import math
from microglia_analyzer.tiles.patch import Patch2D
In the following classes and functions, many things concerning neighbourhood are stored in arrays of 4 slots.
The order is the same everywhere: [LEFT, BOTTOM, RIGHT, TOP].
In the following code the words 'tile' and 'patch' are used interchangeably. They designate the same thing: a part of an image.
def make_gradient_patch(patch_size, overlap, direction):
Builds a patch containing coefficients between 0 and 1 so it can be used to merge patches.
The area not included in the overlap is filled with 1s, while a linear gradient from 1 to 0 is applied to the overlap area.
The direction of the gradient is defined by the direction parameter, respecting the following order: [0: LEFT, 1: BOTTOM, 2: RIGHT, 3: TOP]
The provided `patch_size` is the final size of the patch, including the overlap.
patch_size: (int) Size of the patch (height and width), overlap included.
overlap: (int) Overlap between patches (in pixels).
direction: (int) Direction of the gradient. 0: LEFT, 1: BOTTOM, 2: RIGHT, 3: TOP
patch: (np.ndarray) Patch containing the coefficients.
gradient = np.linspace(0, 1, overlap)
flat = np.ones(patch_size - overlap, np.float32)
line = np.concatenate((gradient, flat))
patch = np.tile(line, (patch_size, 1))
for _ in range(direction):
patch = np.rot90(patch)
return patch
def normalize(image, lower_bound=0.0, upper_bound=1.0, dtype=np.float32):
Normalizes the value of an image between `lower_bound` and `upper_bound`.
Works whatever the number of channels.
The normalization is not applied in place.
image: (np.ndarray) Image to normalize.
lower_bound: (float) Lower bound of the normalization.
upper_bound: (float) Upper bound of the normalization.
dtype: (np.dtype) Type of the output image.
img: (np.ndarray) Normalized image.
img = image.astype(np.float32)
# If the image contains only zeros.
if np.abs(np.max(img)) < 1e-5 and np.abs(np.min(img)) < 1e-5:
return img
# If the image contains more than one value.
if np.max(img) - np.min(img) > 1e-6:
img -= np.min(img)
img /= np.max(img)
img *= (upper_bound - lower_bound)
img += lower_bound
return img.astype(dtype)
class ImageTiler2D(object):
def __init__(self, patch_size, overlap, shape, blending='gradient'):
if len(shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("This class is only suitable for 2D images.")
if (shape[0] < patch_size) or (shape[1] < patch_size):
raise ValueError("The input image must be at least as large as a patch.")
if (overlap > int(patch_size / 2)):
raise ValueError("Overlap must be smaller than half the patch size.")
if (patch_size == 0) or (shape[0] == 0) or (shape[1] == 0):
raise ZeroDivisionError("Patch size and image size must be non-zero.")
# Size of the patches (height and width), overlap included.
self.patch_size = patch_size
# Overlap between patches (in pixels).
self.overlap = overlap
# Step between each patch.
self.step = patch_size - overlap
# Shape of the images that we will want to cut or assemble.
self.shape = shape
# Layout of the patches, which is a list of Patch2D objects.
self.layout = None
# Number of patches on each axis, represented as a tuple (nY, nX).
self.grid_size = None
# Patches containing coefficients to merge the patches.
self.blending_coefs = None
# Blending method to use for the merging of the patches. ('gradient', 'flat')
self.blending = blending.lower()
# -----
def image_to_tiles(self, image, use_normalize=True, lower_bound=0.0, upper_bound=1.0, dtype=np.float32):
Takes an image and cuts it into tiles according to the layout processed for this shape.
The image is not modified. Works with any number of channels.
The produced tiles have the possibility to be normalized in any desired range.
image: (np.ndarray) Image to cut into patches.
use_normalize: (bool) Whether to normalize the image or not (not destructive).
lower_bound: (float) Lower bound of the normalization.
upper_bound: (float) Upper bound of the normalization.
dtype: (np.dtype) Type of the output tiles.
patches: (list) List of patches (np.ndarray) cut from the image.
tgt_shape = image.shape[:2]
if tgt_shape != self.shape:
raise ValueError("Image's shape does not match the expected shape.")
if use_normalize:
image = normalize(image, lower_bound, upper_bound, dtype)
patches = []
for patch in self.layout:
ul, lr = patch.ul_corner, patch.lr_corner
patches.append(image[ul[0]:lr[0], ul[1]:lr[1]].copy())
return patches
def _make_coefs_gradients(self):
For every patch, creates a gradient map being the same size as the patch.
It contains values between 0 and 1. This new patch has to be multiplied with the original patch to merge them.
It intends to create a smooth blending between patches.
The patches produced here consist in arrays full of 1s, with a (linear) gradient from 1 to 0 in the overlap area.
Summing all these tiles into an image, at their position, results in an image where each pixel is 1.0.
coefs = []
for patch in self.layout:
gradient = np.ones((self.patch_size, self.patch_size), np.float32)
for n in range(len(patch.has_neighbour)):
if patch.has_neighbour[n]:
# By multiplying, we can handle quad-connexions.
gradient = np.multiply(gradient, make_gradient_patch(self.patch_size, patch.overlaps[n], n))
self.blending_coefs = coefs
def _make_coefs_flats(self):
For every patch, creates a coefficients map being the same size as the patch.
It contains values between 0 and 1. This new patch has to be multiplied with the original patch to merge them.
It intends to create a smooth blending between patches.
The patches produced here consist flat areas (no gradient).
The value contained in each pixel is: 1.0 / (number of patches sharing this pixel).
Summing all these tiles into an image, at their position, results in an image where each pixel is 1.0.
canvas = np.zeros(self.shape, np.float32)
stamp = np.ones((self.patch_size, self.patch_size), np.float32)
for p in self.layout:
canvas[p.ul_corner[0]:p.lr_corner[0], p.ul_corner[1]:p.lr_corner[1]] += stamp
canvas = np.ones_like(canvas) / canvas
self.blending_coefs = self.image_to_tiles(canvas, False)
def _make_coefs(self):
Triggers the generation of blending patches according to the chosen method.
if self.blending == 'gradient':
elif self.blending == 'flat':
raise ValueError("Unknown blending method.")
def get_layout(self):
Returns the layout of the patches.
It is a list of Patch2D objects.
return self.layout
def get_grid_size(self):
Returns the number of patches on each axis.
It is a tuple (nY, nX).
return self.grid_size
def _process_grid_size(self):
Processes the final number of tiles on each axis, taking into account the overlap.
height, width = self.shape
self.grid_size = (
math.ceil((height - self.overlap) / self.step),
math.ceil((width - self.overlap) / self.step)
def _process_cutting_layout(self):
self.layout = []
for y in range(self.grid_size[0]):
for x in range(self.grid_size[1]):
(y, x),
def tiles_to_image(self, patches):
Takes a list of tiles (images) and uses the coefs maps to fusion them into a single image with a smooth blending.
The goal is to assemble them with seamless blending, respecting the overlap.
The order in the list must match the order of the layout.
Input patches are not modified. Works with any number of channels.
patches: (list) List of patches (np.ndarray) to merge.
canvas: (np.ndarray) Merged
if len(patches) != len(self.layout):
raise ValueError("The number of patches does not match the layout.")
if patches[0].shape[:2] != (self.patch_size, self.patch_size):
raise ValueError("The shape of the patches does not match the expected shape.")
copies = [i.copy().astype(np.float32) for i in patches]
new_shape = self.shape
n_channels = 1
if len(patches[0].shape) == 3:
new_shape += (patches[0].shape[2],)
n_channels = patches[0].shape[2]
canvas = np.zeros(new_shape, np.float32)
for i, p in enumerate(self.layout):
coef = np.stack([self.blending_coefs[i]] * n_channels, axis=-1) if n_channels > 1 else self.blending_coefs[i]
copies[i] *= coef
canvas[p.ul_corner[0]:p.lr_corner[0], p.ul_corner[1]:p.lr_corner[1]] += copies[i]
return canvas.astype(patches[0].dtype)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import tifffile
import os
from microglia_analyzer.experimental.tiles import generate_checkerboard
input_path = "/home/benedetti/Desktop/transfer_8984341_files_8a9cb3a6/"
output_path = "/home/benedetti/Desktop/transfer_8984341_files_8a9cb3a6/tiled/"
imgs_pool = [i for i in os.listdir(input_path) if i.endswith(".tif")]
for img_name in imgs_pool:
img_path = os.path.join(input_path, img_name)
img_data = tifffile.imread(img_path)
img_data = normalize(img_data, 0, 255, np.uint8)
tiles_manager = ImageTiler2D(512, 128, img_data.shape)
tiles = tiles_manager.image_to_tiles(img_data, False)
for i, t in enumerate(tiles):
tifffile.imwrite(os.path.join(output_path, f"{img_name[:-4]}_{str(i).zfill(2)}.tif"), t)