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Exercise 21 - Measure the distance of spots to the border of the nucleus

Exercise 21.2 - Remove spots outside the nucleus


Use the DoG function of the last exercise on the green channel of the image in images/21! Apply an auto-threshold (triangle) and create a binary mask and apply a binary watershed to separate touching spots!

Apply an auto-threshold on the blue-channel and create a binary mask!

Combine the two binary masks using the Image Calculator with the and-operation to only keep common areas! Do not close the mask of the nucleus in the macro, we are still going to need it in the next step.

inputImageID = getImageID();
DoG(1.4, 3);


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function DoG(sigma1, sigma2) {
	run("Duplicate...", " ");
	bigBlurID = getImageID();	
	run("Duplicate...", " ");
	smallBlurID = getImageID();	
	run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma="+sigma1);
	bigBlurTitle = getTitle();
	run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma="+sigma2);
	imageCalculator("subtract", smallBlurID, bigBlurID);

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