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Exercise 21 - Measure the distance of spots to the border of the nucleus

Exercise 21.3 - Measure the distance of the spots to the border


A distance transform takes a mask as input and outputs an image in which the pixel values represent the shortest distance from the pixel to the border of the object.

Continue the code from the last exercise! Apply the Exact Euclidean Distance Transform to the nucleus mask. Use the particle analyzer to add the spots to the roi-manager and eliminate very small objects in the same time. Make sure the min. intensity is measured (Set Measurements). Activate the EDT image and measure the rois.

inputImageID = getImageID();
inTitle = getTitle();
DoG(1.4, 3);

setAutoThreshold("Triangle dark");
run("Convert to Mask");
spotsMaskID = getImageID();
run("Duplicate...", "duplicate channels=2-2");
setAutoThreshold("Triangle dark");
run("Convert to Mask");
nucleusMaskID = getImageID();
imageCalculator("and", spotsMaskID, nucleusMaskID);

cell-1-1.tif cell-1.tif

your code starts after this line

your code ends before this line

function DoG(sigma1, sigma2) {
	run("Duplicate...", " ");
	bigBlurID = getImageID();	
	run("Duplicate...", " ");
	smallBlurID = getImageID();	
	run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma="+sigma1);
	bigBlurTitle = getTitle();
	run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma="+sigma2);
	imageCalculator("subtract", smallBlurID, bigBlurID);

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