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Exercise 21 - Measure the distance of spots to the border of the nucleus

Exercise 21.1 - Spot detection using a Difference of Gaussian (DOG) Filter


The Difference of Gaussian (DOG) can help us to segment spots in a given range of sizes. A DoG-filter can be implemented in the following way:

Write a function that implements the DoG-filter! The function should work on a copy of the active image. It has two parameters sigma1 and sigma2.

You will need to use Duplicate, the Gaussian blur filter and the Image Calculator. If you need to switch between different images, you can use getImageID() and selectImage() and getTitle().

Try the DOG on the image in the folder images/21 with sigma1 = 1.4 and sigma2 = 3.

DoG(1.4, 3);

function DoG(sigma1, sigma2) {

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