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Slot: field_illumination_image

Input parameter: homogeneity image provided as a numpy array in the order. While the analysis accepts multiple channels, the T and Z dimensions are expected to be 1.

URI: microscopemetrics_schema:field_illumination_image

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
FieldIlluminationInput no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: field_illumination_image
description: 'Input parameter: homogeneity image provided as a numpy array in the
  order. While the analysis accepts multiple channels, the T and Z dimensions are
  expected to be 1.'
rank: 1000
multivalued: false
alias: field_illumination_image
- FieldIlluminationInput
range: ImageAsNumpy
required: true
inlined: true