acquisition_date |
The date of the acquisition |
alpha |
The alpha value of the color (optional) |
argolight_b_image |
Input parameter: image of the argolight b pattern provided as a 5D numpy arra... |
argolight_e_image |
Image of the argolight e pattern provided as a 5D numpy array in the order TZ... |
authors |
The authors of the protocol |
axis |
Axis along which resolution is being measured |
b |
The blue value of the color |
bit_depth |
Detector bit depth |
bottom_center_intensity_mean |
The mean intensity of the bottom-center of the image |
bottom_center_intensity_ratio |
The mean intensity of the bottom-center of the image divided by the maximum ... |
bottom_left_intensity_mean |
The mean intensity of the bottom-left of the image |
bottom_left_intensity_ratio |
The mean intensity of the bottom-left of the image divided by the maximum in... |
bottom_right_intensity_mean |
The mean intensity of the bottom-right of the image |
bottom_right_intensity_ratio |
The mean intensity of the bottom-right of the image divided by the maximum i... |
c |
center_of_illumination |
Point ROIs marking the center of illumination |
center_of_mass_x |
The x coordinate of the center of mass of the center of illumination region |
center_of_mass_y |
The y coordinate of the center of mass of the center of illumination region |
center_threshold |
Input parameter: relative threshold for what is going to be considered as the... |
channel |
The channel number to which the measurements apply |
channel_A |
The first channel number to which the measurements apply |
channel_B |
The second channel number to which the measurements apply |
columns |
A list of the columns of the table |
comment |
A human readable comment about the dataset |
corner_fraction |
Input parameter: the proportion of the image to be considered as corner or ce... |
corner_rois |
ROIs used to compute the corner intensities |
data |
decile_0 |
The 0th decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
decile_1 |
The 1st decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
decile_2 |
The 2nd decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
decile_3 |
The 3rd decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
decile_4 |
The 4th decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
decile_5 |
The 5th decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
decile_6 |
The 6th decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
decile_7 |
The 7th decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
decile_8 |
The 8th decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
decile_9 |
The 9th decile of the intensity distribution of the maximum intensity |
description |
A description of an entity |
df |
A Pandas DataFrame object |
distance_measurements |
Key Distance Measurements on Argolight spots |
experimenter |
The experimenter that performed the imaging experiment |
field_illumination_image |
Input parameter: homogeneity image provided as a numpy array in the order |
fill_color |
The fill color of the shape |
focus_slice |
Z position at which focus has been measured |
g |
The green value of the color |
h |
The height of the rectangle |
id |
The unique identifier for an entity |
image |
The image to which the ROI is applied |
image_url |
An URL linking to the image |
input |
An input element for the analysis |
intensity_map |
Intensity map of the field illumination |
intensity_map_size |
Input parameter: the size of the output intensity map in pixels |
intensity_max_spot |
Integrated intensity of the most intense spot for each channel |
intensity_max_spot_roi |
ROI number of the most intense spot for each channel |
intensity_measurements |
Key Intensity Measurements on Argolight spots |
intensity_min_spot |
Integrated intensity of the least intense spot for each channel |
intensity_min_spot_roi |
ROI number of the least intense spot for each channel |
intensity_profiles |
Intensity profiles of the argolight lines provided as tables |
is_open |
Is the polygon open |
key_measurements |
Key Measurements on Argolight E images |
key_values |
Key-Value pairs containing the Key measurements for the field illumination an... |
label |
The label of the ROI |
lower_threshold_correction_factors |
Input parameter: correction factor for the lower thresholds |
mad_3d_dist |
Median absolute deviation of the 3D distances between spots for each permutat... |
mad_mean_intensity |
Median absolute deviation of all spots integrated intensity for each channel |
mad_z_dist |
Median absolute deviation of the Z distances between spots for each permutati... |
mask |
The mask image |
max_intensity |
The maximum intensity of the center of illumination |
max_intensity_pos_x |
The x coordinate of the maximum intensity of the center of illumination |
max_intensity_pos_y |
The y coordinate of the maximum intensity of the center of illumination |
mean_3d_dist |
Mean of the 3D distances between spots for each permutation of channel A and ... |
mean_intensity |
Mean of all spots integrated intensity for each channel |
mean_z_dist |
Mean of the Z distances between spots for each permutation of channel A and B |
measured_band |
Fraction of the image across which intensity profiles are measured |
median_3d_dist |
Median of the 3D distances between spots for each permutation of channel A an... |
median_intensity |
Median of all spots integrated intensity for each channel |
median_z_dist |
Median of the Z distances between spots for each permutation of channel A and... |
middle_center_intensity_mean |
The mean intensity of the middle-center of the image |
middle_center_intensity_ratio |
The mean intensity of the middle-center of the image divided by the maximum ... |
middle_left_intensity_mean |
The mean intensity of the middle-left of the image |
middle_left_intensity_ratio |
The mean intensity of the middle-left of the image divided by the maximum in... |
middle_right_intensity_mean |
The mean intensity of the middle-right of the image |
middle_right_intensity_ratio |
The mean intensity of the middle-right of the image divided by the maximum i... |
min_max_intensity_ratio |
Ratio between the integrated intensities between the most intense and the lea... |
name |
The name of an entity |
nb_pixels |
The area occupied by the center of illumination region |
nr_of_spots |
Number of argolight spots detected for each channel |
orcid |
The ORCID of the experimenter |
output |
An output element from the analysis |
peak_height_A |
Height of first peak in the intensity profiles |
peak_height_B |
Height of second peak in the intensity profiles |
peak_position_A |
Position of first peak in the intensity profiles |
peak_position_B |
Position of second peak in the intensity profiles |
peak_prominence_A |
Prominence of first peak in the intensity profiles |
peak_prominence_B |
Prominence of second peak in the intensity profiles |
peaks_rois |
ROIs of the peaks found in the argolight images |
processed |
Has the dataset been processed by microscope-metrics |
processing_date |
The date of the processing by microscope-metrics |
processing_log |
The log of the processing by microscope-metrics |
profile_rois |
ROIs used to compute the intensity profiles |
prominence_threshold |
Peak prominence used as a threshold to distinguish two peaks |
protocol |
The protocol used to prepare the sample |
r |
The red value of the color |
rayleigh_resolution |
Rayleigh resolution measured |
remove_center_cross |
Input parameter: remove the center cross found in some Argolight patterns |
sample |
The sample that was imaged |
saturation_threshold |
Tolerated saturation threshold |
shapes |
sigma |
Input parameter: the sigma for the smoothing gaussian filter to be applied pr... |
sigma_x |
Input parameter: smoothing factor for objects detection in the X axis |
sigma_y |
Input parameter: smoothing factor for objects detection in the Y axis |
sigma_z |
Input parameter: smoothing factor for objects detection in the Z axis |
source_image_url |
A list of URLs linking to the images that were used as a source |
spots_centroids |
Centroids of the argolight spots provided as a list of ROIs, one per channel |
spots_distance |
Input parameter: distance between argolight spots |
spots_distances |
Table of distances between argolight spots |
spots_labels_image |
Labels image of the argolight segmented spots provided as a 5D numpy array in... |
spots_properties |
Table of properties of the argolight spots |
std_3d_dist |
Standard deviation of the 3D distances between spots for each permutation of ... |
std_mean_intensity |
Standard deviation of all spots integrated intensity for each channel |
std_z_dist |
Standard deviation of the Z distances between spots for each permutation of c... |
stroke_color |
The stroke color of the shape |
stroke_width |
The stroke width of the shape |
t |
text |
The text of the tag |
top_center_intensity_mean |
The mean intensity of the top-center of the image |
top_center_intensity_ratio |
The mean intensity of the top-center of the image divided by the maximum int... |
top_left_intensity_mean |
The mean intensity of the top-left corner of the image |
top_left_intensity_ratio |
The mean intensity of the top-left corner of the image divided by the maximu... |
top_right_intensity_mean |
The mean intensity of the top-right corner of the image |
top_right_intensity_ratio |
The mean intensity of the top-right corner of the image divided by the maxim... |
type |
The type of the sample |
upper_threshold_correction_factors |
Input parameter: correction factor for the upper thresholds |
url |
The URL where the protocol can be found |
values |
version |
The version of the protocol |
vertexes |
A list of vertexes defining the polygon |
w |
The width of the rectangle |
x |
x1 |
The x coordinate of the first point of the line |
x2 |
The x coordinate of the second point of the line |
x_rad |
The x radius of the ellipse |
y |
y1 |
The y coordinate of the first point of the line |
y2 |
The y coordinate of the second point of the line |
y_rad |
The y radius of the ellipse |
z |