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Exercise 17.1 - Sort the rois and the result table by the values in a given column


Open the image in images/17 with ImageJ! Manually use the Threshold-Adjuster and the Particle-Analyzer to add the rois of the nuclei to the roi-manager! Measure the rois in the roi-manager!

Complete the macro below, that will sort rois and results by the values in a given column.

FEATURE = "Mean";
REVERSE = true;

column = Table.getColumn(FEATURE);
positions = Array.rankPositions(column);
if (REVERSE) Array.reverse(positions);
ranks = Array.rankPositions(positions);

Your code starts after this line

for (i=0; /* iterate as long as i is smaller than the count of elements in the roi-manager*/; i++) {
	/* select the element number i in the roi manager*/
	/* Rename the selected roi in the roi manager to its position in the sorted list, that is rename it to IJ.pad(ranks[i], 4) */
// Deselect all rois in the roi-manager 
// Sort the rois in the roi-manager according to their names 
roiManager("Show None");
roiManager("Show All");
// Measure the rois in the roi manager*/

Your code ends before this line

The code below is for automatically checking the result. Please ignore it!

ok = (nResults>1);
for(i=0; i<nResults-1; i++) {
	value = getResult(FEATURE,i);
	nextValue = getResult(FEATURE,i+1);
	ok = ok && (value>nextValue);
if (ok)
	showMessage("That's right. Great, you did it!");
	showMessage("Your result is wrong! Please check your macro and try again!");

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