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Exercise 14.02 - Merging two images.


Add a line at the end of your solution to ex-14-01, that merges the two open images into one color image with the dapi image in the blue channel and the rhodamine image in the green channel.

Use the command

The first parameter of the run command is the name of the command that is executed. The second parameter is used to pass a number of named parameters (or sometimes flags) to this command. You need to replace title1 and title2 by the variables containing the titles of the two open images.

Your code starts after this line

Your code ends before this line

The code below is for automatically checking the result. Please ignore it!

ok = (nImages == 1);
ok = ok && (isOpen("RGB"));
if (ok)
	showMessage("That's right. Great, you did it!");
	showMessage("Your result is wrong! Please check your macro and try again!")

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