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Exercise 13 - background correction on a stack


Look at the time-series actine-stack.tif. The base level of the background varies from frame to frame. Fill in the gaps in the macro below. It will correct the background in the time-series, so that the flimmering when watching the film will disapear.

The user should make a selection on the background before starting the macro.

useful commands:

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for (i=1; /* replace this comment */ i++) {	// iterate over all frames of the time-series
    setSlice(/* replace this comment */);	// set the current slice
    getStatistics(area, mean);			// get the mean intensity of the current selection (the variable mean will be set to it).
    run(/* replace this comment */);			// Remove the current selection before subtracting the mean from the image (otherwise it will just be subtracted from the selection).
    run("Subtract...", "value=" /* replace this comment */ " slice");	// subtract the mean value of the background, measured on the current frame, from the current frame from the 
    run(/* replace this comment */);										// Restore the original selection of a background region for the next iteration.

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The code below is for automatically checking the result. Please ignore it!

run("Select None");	
imageId = getImageID();
makeRectangle(530, 30, 78, 430);
run("Plot Z-axis Profile");
plotId = getImageID();
Plot.getValues(x, y);
run("Select None");	
Array.getStatistics(y, min, max, mean, stdDev);
ok = (stdDev<1);
doCommand("Start Animation [\\]");
if (ok)
	showMessage("That's right. Great, you did it!");
	showMessage("Your result is wrong! Please check your macro and try again!");

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