Open the image from the folder images/17
in ImageJ! Manually use the Threshold-Adjuster and the
Particle-Analyzer to add the rois of the nuclei to the roi-manager! Measure the rois in the
roi-manager! Select a number of lines in the results table before running the macro!
Complete the macro below, that will create a selection on the image from the measurements selected in the results table.
After running the macro deselect the Show all
option of the roi-manager to be able to see the selected result rois.
String.copyResults(); // Copies the result table into the clipboard
selection = String.paste; // String.paste answers the content of the clipboard
// Your code starts after this line
lines = split(selection, "\n");
indices = newArray(0); // This array is initially empty. It will contain the indices of the rois that
// correspond to the selected measurements.
for(i=0; i<lines.length; i++) { // For each line in the results table...
line = lines[i]; // Get the ith line
columns = split(line, "\t");
index = parseInt(columns[0]) - 1; // Get the value of column 0 which contains the line-number of the measurement
// Indices in the roi-manager start with 0, those written in the result table with 1
indices = Array.concat(indices, index); // Append the new index to the array indices.
roiManager("show none");
roiManager("select", indices);
if (indices.length>1) roiManager("Combine");
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