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Exercise 11.01 - user defined functions


The factorial of the number n is the product of the numbers from one to n: 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * n-1 * n.

Write a function that uses a for loop to calculate the factorial. The function should have one parameter n and return the value of the factorial of n.

Use the function to print


Your code starts after this line

> 120
> 6.689502913449124E198
> 6

Your code ends before this line

Your code starts after this line

function factorial(n) {
	result = 1;
	for(i=1; i<=n; i++) {
		result *= i;

Your code ends before this line

The code below is for automatically checking the result. Please ignore it!

output = split(getInfo("log"));
ok = ((parseInt(output[0]) == 120) && (output[1]=="6.689502913449124E198") && (parseInt(output[2]) == 6));
if (ok)
	showMessage("That's right. Great, you did it!");
	showMessage("Your result is wrong! Please check your macro and try again!");

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