from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import threading
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time
import os
from skimage.measure import label as cc_labeling
from skimage.measure import regionprops
from scipy.ndimage import center_of_mass
from skimage.morphology import erosion, square
from entry_exit_mouse_box.utils import smooth_path_2d
def calculate_maximal_length(mask):
# If the only value is False, we can return 0
if not np.any(mask):
return 0
# Find contours in the mask
eroded_mask = erosion(mask, square(1))
contours = mask - eroded_mask
# In case there are multiple objects, you might want to choose the largest one or handle each separately.
# Here, we just take the largest contour for simplicity.
# Calculate the convex hull of the contour
hull = cv2.convexHull(contours.astype(np.uint8) * 255)
# Calculate the maximal length (Feret diameter)
maximal_length = 0
p1, p2 = None, None
for i in range(len(hull)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(hull)):
dist = np.linalg.norm(hull[i] - hull[j])
if dist > maximal_length:
maximal_length = dist
p1, p2 = hull[i], hull[j]
return maximal_length
class MiceVisibilityProcessor(object):
Calculates an array indicating for each box (designated by the labels in 'areas') if a mouse is inside or not.
The process is realized on several threads.
The input video was saved as a mask (0=BG, 255=FG) but it requires thresholding anyway due to compression.
The areas are a grayscale image with one value per box (0=BG).
To process the presence of a mouse, we use the length of the ellipse fitted to the mouse's label.
It requires the input image to be calibrated.
The process doesn't start from the frame 0 but from the frame 'start'.
We don't need a control structure to write in the buffer as the threads are not writing in the same place.
def __init__(self, mask_path, areas, ma, start, duration):
self.video_path = mask_path
self.duration = int(duration) = cv2.VideoCapture(mask_path)
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.regions = areas
self.ttl_frames = int(
self.fps =
print(f"Total frames: {self.ttl_frames}")
print(f"FPS: {self.fps}")
self.vals = set([int(i) for i in np.unique(areas) if int(i) != 0])
print(f"Boxes: {self.vals}")
self.n_boxes = len(self.vals)
self.reader_pos = 0
self.min_area = ma
self.start = start
print(f"Starters: {start}")
self.visibility = np.zeros((self.n_boxes, self.ttl_frames), np.int8)
self.centroids = np.zeros((self.ttl_frames, self.n_boxes, 2), float)
self.in_out_count = np.zeros((self.n_boxes, 1), np.uint16)
self.sessions = None
def read_frames(self, frames_count=32):
with self.lock:
frames = []
p1 = self.reader_pos
p2 = p1 + frames_count
self.reader_pos = p2
for _ in range(frames_count):
ret, frame =
if not ret:
return (p1, p2), frames
def process_visibility_pos(self, batch, frames):
for i, frame in enumerate(frames):
mask = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) > 127
mask = mask.astype(np.float32)
mask *= self.regions
mask = mask.astype(np.uint8)
vals, count = np.unique(mask, return_counts=True)
values = {}
# Bundle values in dict
for v, c in zip(vals, count):
if v == 0:
values[v] = c
# Adding missing values
for box in self.vals:
if values.get(box, None) is None:
values[box] = 0
# Setting visibility
for v, c in values.items():
if batch[0] + i < self.start[v]:
self.visibility[v-1, batch[0] + i] = -1
if c < self.min_area: # Too small to be considered
self.visibility[v-1, batch[0] + i] = 0
self.visibility[v-1, batch[0] + i] = 1
self.centroids[batch[0] + i, v-1] = center_of_mass(mask == v)
def worker(self):
while True:
batch, frames = self.read_frames()
if not frames:
self.process_visibility_pos(batch, frames)
# This function takes the array containing the centroid for each box and smooth the path
# It skips the moments where the mouse is hidden, represented by (-1, -1)
def smooth_centroids(self):
for box in range(self.n_boxes):
path = self.centroids[:, box]
smoothed_path = []
for i, p in enumerate(path):
if p[0] >= 0.0:
smoothed_path = np.array(smoothed_path)
smoothed_path = smooth_path_2d(smoothed_path)
for i, p in enumerate(smoothed_path):
self.centroids[i, box] = p
def fix_visibility(self):
min_session = np.ceil(self.fps)
for box in range(self.n_boxes):
swaps = []
end_of_video = min(self.start[box+1] + self.duration, self.ttl_frames-1)
for f in range(self.ttl_frames):
if self.visibility[box, f] == -1:
if f >= end_of_video:
self.visibility[box, f] = -2
self.centroids[f, box] = (-1.0, -1.0)
# State transition, the next session starts at (f+1)
if (self.visibility[box, f] != self.visibility[box, f+1]) or (f == end_of_video-1):
# It's the first transition, we don't care about the duration of the session
if len(swaps) == 0:
# We are in an unstable state.
if (f + 1 - swaps[-1] < min_session):
swaps.append(f + (1 if (f < end_of_video-1) else 2))
for i in range(swaps[0], swaps[-1]):
self.visibility[box, i] = 0
self.centroids[i, box] = (-1.0, -1.0)
swaps = [f+1]
def start_processing(self, num_workers=os.cpu_count()):
print("(1/3) Processing visibility...")
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(self.worker) for _ in range(num_workers)]
for future in futures:
print("(2/3) Processing number of in/out...")
# self.smooth_centroids()
print("(3/3) Processing sessions time and distance...")
return self.release_resources()
def release_resources(self):
return self.visibility
def process_n_in_out(self):
for f in range(self.ttl_frames-1):
for box in range(self.n_boxes):
if self.visibility[box, f] < 0:
if self.visibility[box, f] != self.visibility[box, f+1]:
self.in_out_count[box] += 1
def process_sessions(self):
We call 'session' the span of time during which the mouse is hidden or visible.
For each box, a video is a succession of sessions, alternating between hidden and visible.
During a session, the mouse is either hidden or visible.
A session is defined by a duration (in seconds) and a distance (in pixels).
shape = (self.n_boxes, np.max(self.in_out_count)+1, 4)
# session[box, session_index] = (frame_start, duration (s), duration (f), distance)
self.sessions = np.zeros(shape, float)
# (starting frame of the session, visibility for this session, session index, session distance)
state = [(0, None, 0, 0.0) for _ in range(self.n_boxes)]
eov = []
for box in range(self.n_boxes):
for f in range(self.ttl_frames):
for box in range(self.n_boxes):
if self.visibility[box, f] < 0:
if self.visibility[box, f] == -2:
if eov[box]:
eov[box] = True
if state[box][1] is None:
# Very first session for this box.
state[box] = (f, self.visibility[box, f], 0, 0.0)
# When we change of visibility status (or if we reached the last frame), we end the current session.
if (self.visibility[box, f] != state[box][1]) or (eov[box]):
v = self.visibility[box, f]
n_frames = f - state[box][0]
duration = float(n_frames) / float(self.fps)
row = box
col = state[box][2]
self.sessions[row, col] = (float(state[box][0]), duration, float(n_frames), state[box][3])
state[box] = (f, v, col+1, 0.0)
# We accumulate the distance.
if self.centroids[max(0, f-1), box][0] >= 0.0:
state[box] = (state[box][0], state[box][1], state[box][2], state[box][3] + np.linalg.norm(self.centroids[f, box] - self.centroids[f-1, box]))
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
from qtpy.QtCore import QThread, QObject, QTimer, Qt, Signal, Slot
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal
class QtWorkerMVP(QObject):
measures_ready = pyqtSignal(np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray)
def __init__(self, mask_path, areas, ma, start, duration):
self.mask_path = mask_path
self.areas = areas
self.min_area = ma
self.start = start
self.duration = duration
def run(self):
mvp = MiceVisibilityProcessor(self.mask_path, self.areas, self.min_area, self.start, self.duration)
visibility = mvp.visibility
in_out_count = mvp.in_out_count
sessions = mvp.sessions
centroids = mvp.centroids
self.measures_ready.emit(visibility, in_out_count, sessions, centroids)
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
if __name__ == "__main__":
import tifffile
mask_path = "/home/benedetti/Documents/projects/25-entry-exit-mouse-monitor/data-samples/mask-WIN_20210830_11_11_50_Pro.avi"
start_f = {
1: 1189,
2: 1189,
3: 1189
areas_path = "/home/benedetti/Documents/projects/25-entry-exit-mouse-monitor/data-samples/areas-WIN_20210830_11_11_50_Pro.tif"
areas = tifffile.imread(areas_path)
scale = 0.13153348
unit = "cm"
start = time.time()
mvp = MiceVisibilityProcessor(mask_path, areas, 80, start_f)
duration = time.time() - start
print(f"Processing took {duration:.2f} seconds.")
sessions = mvp.sessions
np.savetxt("/home/benedetti/Desktop/sessions.csv", sessions[0], delimiter=",", fmt="%.3f")